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Evo-Strike (Unity, C#, Genetic Algorithms, Machine Learning)
Destroying enemy ship during gameplay, explosion effect:
‘3rd Person’ Camera Mode
Gameplay alongside Unity scene view:
Ship model in Unity editor:
More info here.
AR Warehouse Tool (Unity, C#, REST API, ARToolKit, Android)
Product details projected on AR marker:
QR code in view with AR marker for API request of product data:
AR projection at steeper angle:
AR projection testing:
More info here.
Seismic Data Visualisation (C++, HOOPS)
Visualising large seismic data on a downsampled 3D grid:
Full data visualisation example:
Dynamic transparency control of different seismic ranges:
Focus & context visualisation clearly showing a particular material’s stratigraphy amongst a full 3D block of seismic data:
OpenGL Rain Particle System Demo
OpenGL rendering with rain particle system:
Rotated view showing particle destruction upon reaching floor surface:
Generic C++ STL Backpropagation Neural Network
Example of final output when training on ‘AND’ logic gate data (fully trained with high accuracy):
Plot showing recent average error over time until fully trained (using ‘AND’ training data):