I am an enthusiastic software developer based in Swansea, South Wales. In 2018, I graduated from Swansea University with a master’s degree in Computing. My 4 years at Swansea Univeristy helped build a great foundation for my software development skills, which I continue to build upon today.

Currently, I am employed as a full time software developer at Rockfield, a Swansea based software company providing computational modelling solutions to a variety of problems. At Rockfield, I have been fortunate to work on several different software products, which has provided me with the opportunity to learn a lot about some interesting fields, such as geomechanics. These opportunities have provided me with valuable skills in being able to learn and work within fields I had no prior experience with. Fortunately, there have also been many opportunities to learn new languages and software development tools, including automated GUI testing. At Rockfield, I have been involved in many exciting & innovative projects, such as implementing new visualization systems in order to allow users to build geological models for computational analysis in new, unique ways.

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I am hugely interested in the technology field. I am always eager to keep up to date with the recent tech trends and news. As a result of this interest, many of my hobbies revolve around technology, inluding occassionally do some experimenting with different tech in my spare time, whether that’s setting up a new SD card for my raspberry pis to do something cool, or writing some code in a language I haven’t used before. A recent example is when I learned that ‘The Mandalorian’ TV show (I’m a huge Star Wars fan) was filmed using a new technology that the creators call ‘The Volume’. This is a large screen surrounding the set, on which a 3D virtual environment built in Unreal Engine is rendered. In the final product, this is seamless and very difficult to tell apart from a real physical set. So of course after learning this, I had to go and play around with Unreal Engine. I’m introduced to many software development skills & technologies in similar ways to this, and these sorts of things are the reason it’s very easy for me to stay passionate about software development & technology.

Outside of tech, I enjoy many other hobbies, including playing video games on my PC with friends, learning to play bass guitar, and watching movies. In particular, I’m I big fan of Star Wars, so I’m often spending some of my spare time playing a new Star Wars game, watching a new Star Wars movie, or reading a new Star Wars book / comic.

Contact Details

You can e-mail me at tom2656@gmail.com.

Alternatively, you can find my social media links below.