Augmented Reality Warehousing Tool on Android (Unity, C#, REST)


In my master’s year at Swansea University, I worked on a team project in collaboration with an industry partner, ‘Veeqo’.

The goal of the project was to produce an augmented reality application that warehouse staff could load onto scanner devices or their smartphones, in order to help with their productivity. The concept was that boxes in a warehouse could have an AR marker printed on them, next to some identifying label for the product (e.g. a QR code of bar code), and then the product information would be automatically projected onto the box when viewed through a smartphone camera or Veeqo product scanner.

AR / QR Diagram

This was a successful project in which we were able to produce a working prototype to pass on to Veeqo. Below is a demonstration of the finished software, showing product information (retrieved live using Veeqo’s API) being projected onto an AR marker (product info was obtained from a QR code next to the marker in this case).

Veeqo AR Demo

Many designs were considered for the AR marker & QR code placement. Here is an early design demonstrating the AR projection of basic product information.

AR Projection Demo